My Fall TV Regime

I am back with my annual TV Series update. I know when I said a few posts ago that I would stop binge-watching TV series. I went ahead and pontificated about the benefits of said efforts. I have been quite vocal about the psychological reasons behind these fixations whenever I get a chance to talk about them (which with my current company comes around once a year). But, my TV and I have been involved in a committed relationship from the day I used to rush back home to catch another new episode of Roswell. The series changed, but my obsession remained.

This year my TV watching habits have evolved. I have moved from the cable TV/prime time series to limiting my time to only those few series that actually deserve to be seen. I have been pretty merciless in cutting down my diet. After almost seven years of allegiance to HIMYM, I said enough is enough; I don’t have to watch this anymore.  So, I went on a killing rampage and finalized my series: Mindy Project, Person of Interest, South Park, Big Bang Theory (sentimental addition in the end), Homeland and The Good Wife. 

This year’s change came in the form of Netflix TV, Amazon Prime and Sundance Channel. I keep reading about these web mini-series over and over again on my entertainment fix websites. They fit perfectly with my schedule because I did have some time in my hands. It’s easier to watch them because they have just 8 to 10 episodes which I can space wonderfully over the weekend. I can say with all honesty these have been much better than the actual televised dramas. If you are actually contemplating on watching something new/different, you should go ahead and start downloading: The Returned, Top of the Lake, The Fall, Alpha House. I promptly fell madly in love with the series and have been aggressively pushing them on every single person that I know since.

What I learnt this year is quality is always better than quantity. I don’t have to go through the watch-while-you-curse-the-creators-for-producing-such-shit now. I love each and every one of these shows not just because they are entertaining, because I can see the level of work that has gone through to make each episode. From the acting, to the script to the locales, these are some of the best shows out there and should be watched instead of sitcoms with mind numbing background laugh pre-recorded.


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