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My Life Changing Ways

Hello my lovelies, I have missed my spot on this shrink’s chair for quite some time. I thought I should try living in IRL as they say before coming back to my comfortable nest that I have made for myself. I thought I would update you on all the things that happened along the away.  I moved from Mumbai (yes, I left my lady love for a more staid, plainer city) and consultant ways because well I had enough of the latter. At that time I was thinking that I needed some peace and quiet in my life. Suffice to say, I need to get away from my job not the city. I landed in Stepford county where as you know, a woman at a certain age needs to DTR to her work collegues lest they think that you are less "corporate" image and more non-conformist. I worked on a brief corporate stint (yes, your ole lonesome consultant going to big bad corporate way) before throwing the towel down. Did you know that in Corporate India people spend more time setting up meetings than attending those mee...

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