My Life Changing Ways

Hello my lovelies, I have missed my spot on this shrink’s chair for quite some time. I thought I should try living in IRL as they say before coming back to my comfortable nest that I have made for myself. I thought I would update you on all the things that happened along the away. 

  • I moved from Mumbai (yes, I left my lady love for a more staid, plainer city) and consultant ways because well I had enough of the latter. At that time I was thinking that I needed some peace and quiet in my life. Suffice to say, I need to get away from my job not the city. I landed in Stepford county where as you know, a woman at a certain age needs to DTR to her work collegues lest they think that you are less "corporate" image and more non-conformist.
  • I worked on a brief corporate stint (yes, your ole lonesome consultant going to big bad corporate way) before throwing the towel down. Did you know that in Corporate India people spend more time setting up meetings than attending those meetings. Well, I dint know that illumiating factoid before I made the move. I would have been committed to bedlam Pune version if I continued my corporate cog life.
  • I made a bunch of new friends (nee roommates) which I thought was difficult after you turned 25.Yes, I had this weird belief that as you grow older, its difficult to get along with people but Pune proved me wrong. I found interesting friendships from different corners of the country. I was forced to watch almost every other movie that got released (including Hindi, yes you read that right) except for Bahubali, that's where I drew the line. I will not ruin Rana's-image-in-my-head-post-Leader by listening to him butcher Hindi.
  • Re-watched a butt load of British TV from the 90s because that’s better than going out in Pune. Did you know that Pune has the worst waiters. The literally showed me the hand when I called them to order. I am not even going to talk about the food you get. My standard saturday order was the exact same dish - for three months. (You need sustanance when you are watching GoT)
  • I went on a cycling trip with PG. We cycled for 350 Km from Vienna to Budapest (My mom's response, couldnt you have done this in the lane behind your house, did you have to go all the way to Europe). I did this because I was frustrated with my so-called coporate job and jumped at the chance. Little did I know that people actually train for these things. My training - a glass of wine a day, keeps the doctor away.
  • I moved back to Mumbai (because who can stay away from this magnificence) – but I have moved to the burbs now and for all intents it might as well be Siberia. I live in the Silicon Valley of India. The land of start-ups and stuck-up start-up guys. I will talk about this later because that rant is a long time coming.
  • I am back to my consultant ways – this time as an internal one (which is a pretty way of saying, we will pay you less but you work for us now, you idiot consultant).
  • I am getting married (gotcha, yes grumpy ole me is tying the knot), please pray for the guy's mental health. He says he's up for a challenge; let the games begin. 

That's a quick update. Will get into each of these topics at length, especially the last one pretty soon.


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